Spring 2021: Four key requirements

This message is sent on behalf of Penny Rue, Vice President for Campus Life. Dear Wake Forest undergraduate students, I hope you are enjoying some time away from your studies and, like me, looking forward to a fresh start in 2021. In that spirit, I […]

Guidance for Winter Break

Dear Wake Forest Students, Next week brings classes on campus to a close, and most of you will return home for Thanksgiving. By following public health guidance, you made it possible to reach this significant milestone in the academic calendar and keep rates of COVID-19 […]

Guidance and Instructions for Wake Forest Students and Families

Dear Wake Forest Families, Next week brings classes on campus to a close, and most of our students will return home for Thanksgiving. By following public health guidance, our students made it possible to reach this significant milestone in the academic calendar and keep rates […]

Preparing for holiday departure

Dear Wake Forest students, As we turn our collective sights toward Thanksgiving, exams and the holiday break, I write to encourage you to make a plan to protect your personal health, that of your family and the community into which you will return. We know […]

Important COVID-19 Update

Dear Wake Forest students, Thank you for your continued vigilance in helping stop the spread of COVID-19. In addition to Student Health Service and the SneezSafe tool, we are sharing a new way to help respond to the virus based on your individual situation. […]

Important Updates: End of Semester & Spring 2021

Dear Wake Forest undergraduates, We are pleased — and grateful! — that our community has responded well so far to the challenges of COVID-19. Even as we all continue to manage the impact of the pandemic on our campus this fall, we are turning our […]

Student Flu Shot Clinic by Appointment

As a part of the variety of safety measures employed by the university to help our community remain healthy, Wake Forest will be hosting a student influenza vaccine clinic early in October. Receiving and providing evidence of a flu shot is mandatory this year […]

We Believe in You

This message was sent on behalf of the Reynolda Cabinet and the Academic Deans. Dear Wake Forest students, Traditionally, at the beginning of a new semester, President Hatch sends a message that frames the upcoming semester with reflections and a challenge for how to approach […]

Update on evening activities on campus and policies

Dear Deacons, We are so excited to have our students moving back to campus this week. While this has been a very different start to the academic year, we are doing all we can to make this semester a productive and enjoyable experience, while prioritizing […]
