As a part of the variety of safety measures employed by the university to help our community remain healthy, Wake Forest will be hosting a student influenza vaccine clinic early in October. Receiving and providing evidence of a flu shot is mandatory this year for the entire Wake Forest community, which has the added benefit of reducing the burden on our health care system. You must receive the flu shot and submit documentation by December 15, 2020.

Members of our community with medical contraindications or religious beliefs contrary to immunization can request an exemption. Please visit this site for more information on exemptions and instructions on submitting a request for exemption.

There are many ways to get your required flu shot, but the easiest one is:

WFU Student Flu Shot Clinic
Date: October 6, 8 & 9
Time: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. by appointment
Location: Sutton Center Gym, fourth floor (enter using external door to Sutton Center)

Step 1: Sign up for an appointment. You will be able to enter insurance information while registering.
Step 2: Wearing your mask, enter the Sutton Center and go to the fourth floor 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. Please bring your ID, insurance card if available, and confirmation email. The clinic will be indoors and socially distanced.
Step 3: Get your flu shot and upload a photo of the documentation to your Student Health Portal. Find instructions on uploading compliance documentation here.

Registration Links (you will be taken to a page):
Sign up for a Tuesday, Oct. 6, Appointment (Sign up closes 10 a.m. Oct. 5)
Sign up for a Thursday, Oct. 8, Appointment (Sign up closes 10 a.m. Oct. 7)
Sign up for a Friday, Oct. 9, Appointment (Sign up closes 10 a.m. Oct. 8)

Questions and information: Visit our FAQ page or email:

With gratitude for your commitment to keeping our community healthy,

Penny Rue
Vice President, Campus Life
