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COVID Data Retention and Disposal

In accordance with the Audit and Compliance Services Report findings (Report No Audit WFU-2204) the COVID Data Retention working group was established to develop a plan for addressing the proliferation of Google documents and email widely used to store and share information about test results, […]

Know Your Notes

Dear Faculty Colleagues, Wake Forest celebrates a unique learning experience centering engaged faculty-student relationships in a highly residential environment. Our students choose Wake because they care very much about this type of academic experience. As a caring faculty member, it can sometimes be hard to […]

Mask requirement reminder

Dear Wake Forest undergraduate students, We could not be more excited to begin the semester tomorrow! This is an important reminder about the requirement for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, to wear masks indoors as we commence our academic year in person. First, masks are […]

We Believe in You

This message was sent on behalf of the Reynolda Cabinet and the Academic Deans. Dear Wake Forest students, Traditionally, at the beginning of a new semester, President Hatch sends a message that frames the upcoming semester with reflections and a challenge for how to approach […]

Registration Update for First Year Students

The following message was sent to first-year students Dear Students and Parents of the Class of 2024, We know that many of you are hard at work on your fall schedules and that you may have had difficulty finding courses to build or complete your […]

The Academic Experience This Fall

Dear Undergraduate Students – I hope you and your families are well, and you have had some moments this summer where you could rest and recover. Your faculty members and I miss you, and we can’t wait to welcome our newest students to our wonderful […]

Faculty Update

Dear Faculty Colleagues, These are difficult times. We, as a country, are confronting our 400-year-old history of racial and social injustice as we mourn the tragic death of George Floyd and so many other Black Americans at the hands of police and vow to realize […]

Faculty Update

Dear Faculty Colleagues, Last night Wake Forest College virtually conferred B.A. and B.S. degrees upon our graduating seniors who watched from across the globe with their families and friends. You made this remarkable event happen despite the most extraordinary of circumstances, and you supported your […]
