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Class of 2020 Undergraduate Commencement

This message was sent to undergraduate seniors approved to graduate on March 30. Dear Wake Forest Undergraduate Class of 2020, Every year, I look forward to shaking graduates’ hands as they walk across the stage on Hearn Plaza and make the transition from students to […]

COVID-19 update from President Hatch

Dear Wake Forest Community, My message today is one of continued gratitude. Thank you, to our faculty and staff working to sustain our vital educational mission through remote learning options. Thank you, to the essential staff still on campus delivering resources and support to approximately […]

A message from President Hatch to parents & families

Dear Wake Forest parents and families, The times we are living in are unlike any I have experienced in higher education. We are facing unprecedented circumstances, and I have just presided over something I never thought possible. In the span of one week, we have […]

A message from President Hatch

Taking Stock When It Feels the World Is Falling Apart Nathan O. Hatch The last two weeks have seen our world turned upside down. The spread of COVID-19 and necessary steps taken to fight its spread have led to the greatest disruption to higher education […]

COVID-19 update from President Hatch

This message was sent on March 13 to the Wake Forest community and Wake Forest parents and families. Dear Wake Forest Community, Since I wrote to you last, much has changed in the global fight against COVID-19. In spite of the uncertainty, these measures can […]

A message to Wake Forest alumni from President Hatch

This message was sent on March 13 to Wake Forest alumni. Dear Wake Forest Alumni, Our Wake Forest family is a global one, and my hope is that wherever this message finds you, you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. As we continue […]

Changes to class schedule, suspending in-person classes

This message was sent to the campus community and Wake Forest parents and families on March 11. Dear Wake Forest Community, I write today with important information for the Wake Forest community. Let me begin by saying how deeply grateful I am for all the […]

A message from President Hatch

This message was sent from President Hatch to the Wake Forest community:

As the world continues to learn about and adapt to concerns regarding COVID-19, Wake Forest is actively taking steps to help ensure the health and safety of our community.

Wake Forest is following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS). We continue to learn and benefit from the information and expertise of infectious disease experts at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and the Forsyth County Health Department Communicable Diseases Division, as well as our travel risk assessment partner. On campus, our crisis response team is coordinating plans to address scenarios that could impact the health and safety of faculty, staff and students and campus operations.
