Law School COVID Update & Reinstatement of Indoor Masking
This message was sent by Branden M. Nicholson, Director of Executive Strategy, School of Law, to faculty, staff and students in the School of Law.
Good Afternoon,
Over recent days, a small number of our law school community members have tested positive for COVID-19. Throughout the day today, we have been in consultation with Dr. Ohl of Wake Forest Baptist Health and Dr. Price of Student Health Service.
Following their recommendation, we will reinstate a requirement that masks be worn indoors while on campus by all members of the law school community beginning tomorrow, Thursday, April 14. We are taking this step to ensure that our community can move into finals as healthily as possible. This requirement will remain in effect as the University continues to monitor cases in the law school community. The mask requirement will also apply to outside guests or speakers during that time period.
If you experience symptoms, you should test for COVID-19. If you have been exposed to COVID-19, you should follow the Quarantine decision tree to guide next steps. If you receive a positive test, you should follow the steps outlined on the Isolation decision tree. Faculty and staff may refer to the COVID-19 Exposure Guide.
If students are required to isolate or quarantine, we ask that you also alert your professors so that they can guide you to available resources for keeping up with material covered in class. We also ask that you email so that we can assist Student Health Services with any contact tracing should that become necessary, and so that we can better identify common events or activities.
Faculty and staff who need to isolate or quarantine should report their status to their supervisor. When in doubt about what you should do, contact BestHealth at or 743-223-4217.
Thank you for your commitment to keeping our community healthy.
Branden M. Nicholson
Director of Executive Strategy
Wake Forest University | School of Law