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This message was sent to students who have not provided the required documentation for COVID-19 vaccination.

Bottom Line, Up Front

  • You need to submit your FDA-authorized COVID vaccine documentation immediately. This is required for all students by University policy.
  • Submit your documentation via the Student Health Service Portal.
  • If you do not meet the COVID vaccination requirements by Aug. 1, you will be removed from your fall courses and your assigned housing (if applicable).

Dear Wake Forest student,

The overwhelming majority of students have provided documentation of being vaccinated against COVID-19. This message is to notify you that Wake Forest has not yet received:

  • your documentation providing proof of COVID-19 vaccination with an FDA-authorized vaccine;
  • OR a request for a medical or religious exemption;
  • OR notification that you are unable to access an FDA-authorized vaccine (for international students, who must notify the Student Health Service of your intent to comply by emailing

If you have submitted this documentation in the last 24 hours, thank you for doing so. Your submission is being reviewed. Information on how to check the status of your documentation is available here.

Loss of enrollment status, assigned housing

As stated in the July 14, July 20 and July 23 messages, if you fail to provide the required documentation by August 1:

  • The University Registrar will remove you from your courses.
  • Please note that registration (add/drop) for continuing students who have demonstrated compliance with the policy will open on August 6, which will significantly impact your ability to re-register for courses from which you are dropped. Any new first-year student who is removed from classes will be unable to make changes to their registration until August 20, even if they are reinstated during this time. This could impact the ability to register for a full-time course load. In addition, a student’s scholarships and other financial aid cannot be paid while the student is not registered for classes.
  • Residence Life and Housing will remove you from University-assigned housing (if applicable). It is possible that you will not be reassigned to the same housing after being removed.
  • Submitting documentation

    If you intend to remain enrolled in campus programs in the fall of 2021, submit your documentation through the Student Health Portal immediately.

    NOTE: If you have received or will receive only the first dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine by August 1, please submit documentation of the first dose. Submitting documentation of the first dose by August 1 will allow you to remain enrolled in classes while you are waiting to receive the second dose of the vaccine within the time frame required by the Student Health Service and until you are considered fully vaccinated. You will also be required to follow University protocols for masking, testing, isolation and quarantine during this time.

    If your vaccine documentation is missing any information that the Student Health Service must have, you will be sent a secure message through the Student Health Portal.

    Requirements for international students traveling from abroad

    If you are unable to access an FDA-authorized vaccine before Aug. 1, you must notify the Student Health Service of your intent to comply by emailing Please use the subject line of “International Student Vaccine Extension” and share your anticipated arrival date in Winston-Salem.

    As stated in our COVID-19 policy, Wake Forest will assist students who need to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if they have been unable to access an FDA-authorized vaccine or the full vaccine series prior to arriving on campus. The student section of the Vaccine FAQ also has helpful details. Students traveling from abroad should continue to communicate any questions related to the vaccine to


    Students who intend to request a medical or religious exemption must do so before Aug. 1. Note that those exemptions will not apply to students studying abroad on Wake Forest-sponsored programs.

    Students who are granted an exemption will be required to follow University protocols on masking, testing, quarantine and isolation in the fall.

    Related Policies, Protocols, Procedures, Guidelines and Other Resources:

    If you have questions, please submit them through the Our Way Forward website or to the call center at 336-758-7500 on weekdays through Aug. 6 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (EST).
