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This message is sent on behalf of Executive Vice President Hof Milam and Provost Rogan Kersh.

Bottom Line Up Front:

  • Wake Forest is updating COVID-19 protocols, including lifting social-distancing requirements and gathering-size limitations.
  • Students are required to provide documentation of an FDA-authorized vaccination by July 1.
  • Faculty and staff soon will be asked to confirm their current vaccination status or intent to get vaccinated with a survey from Human Resources.
  • Wake Forest has consolidated many of its COVID-19 policies into one.

Dear Wake Forest faculty, staff and students,

Greetings from a relatively quiet and serene summer campus. The wide availability of the COVID-19 vaccine has contributed to diminishing numbers of COVID-19 cases nationally and locally, and we are anticipating a full return to our normal operating status this fall with face-to-face classes, robust research/discovery, and community activities and events.

Following public health guidance, and with respect to the low community transmission levels, we are updating our protocols as follows, effective immediately:

  • Social distancing requirements and limitations on gathering sizes are lifted.
  • Masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals, except in settings noted below.
  • Individuals who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are expected to wear masks indoors when in the presence of others.

Regardless of vaccination status, masks will be required in the Student Health Service, for some activities in the fitness center, and in vehicles used for public transportation based on CDC recommendations and federal requirements for those settings. Please adhere to posted signs.

Masks are recommended by the CDC for individuals who are immunocompromised or otherwise at high risk of severe COVID infection even if fully vaccinated. People may continue to wear masks for many reasons, and we ask that every member of our community respect individual choices as we navigate this period of transition.

Public health officials advise that coronavirus variants continue to pose a health risk to unvaccinated individuals. Therefore, we will continue to facilitate access to convenient and reliable options to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. For information about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, please visit the CDC website. Information about where to receive a vaccine locally is available on the Our Way Forward website.

As a reminder, all students are required to provide documentation of an FDA-authorized vaccination through the Student Health Portal by July 1, 2021, for Fall Semester enrollment. Additional information is available on the Our Way Forward Vaccine FAQ page for students who may have received a vaccine outside of the United States authorized by the World Health Organization, or who have indicated that they have been unable to obtain a vaccination in their local community.

Faculty and staff have voluntarily shared information about their vaccination status, and we are encouraged by our high rate of fully vaccinated employees. Faculty and staff soon will be asked to confirm their current status or intent to get vaccinated with a survey distributed by Human Resources. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Human Resources if you have any questions about your vaccination options (; 336-758-4700).

Please note that Wake Forest now has consolidated many of its University COVID-19 policies into one, which replaces numerous policies governing University operations since the start of the pandemic. The current policies are available here. Specific University protocols will continue to be updated as public health guidance changes, and we will send updates to the community as needed.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to a healthy and vibrant campus.


Hof Milam
Executive Vice President

Rogan Kersh
