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Your Corona Chronicle

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Join the Masses
As of yesterday, all those 16 and older in North Carolina are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. If you haven’t gotten your vaccine yet, there is an opportunity to get the single-dose Johnson & Johnson shot at a mass vaccination clinic at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Learn more about shuttle information and how to register by visiting Our Way Forward.

Record Your Shot
Once you’ve been vaccinated, please share the news with Student Health Service. Even if you already informed SneezSafe that you got the shot, SHS needs the documentation — just like other vaccines. Pretend this link is another social media channel and upload a photo of your vaccination card today. “I’ve been vaccinated” stickers probably not needed here.

Home Sweet Home
Housing selection for next year is now open. Due dates and deadlines, FAQs, housing portal access, and all the things you need to know to find a place to live next year are available here. (Seniors, you’re on your own with this one.)

Survey Says…
Last week’s survey revealed that some students feel engaged in the life of the University and others are finding it more challenging to connect. With spring weather upon us, this is a great time to get outside. We hope you’ll check out a few upcoming events on Manchester: a Friday screening of Jurassic Park, Monday karaoke night, Tuesday trivia and food trucks, and the Campus Rec G.O. pop-up Wednesday. This week, we’re interested in hearing about your wellbeing. Sixty seconds for your thoughts? Share here.

And always remember… it’s better to spread ideas than the virus. Tune into the 2021 TEDxWake this weekend where the tea is going to get spilled.

Have a question? Visit Our Way Forward, send us a question via this form or call our Call Center at 336-758-7500, Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST.
