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Dear Class of 2020,

We were grateful to hear from so many of you in response to our request for feedback on how to celebrate your collective accomplishments. We heard clearly that the majority of you would prefer to return in the fall, potentially during Homecoming weekend.

Through feedback from students and families, we also know that having a ceremony that offers individual recognition of each graduate and being able to share that with family and friends in person is also important.

Based on the results of the survey, we will focus our efforts on welcoming you back to Wake Forest for a celebration in the fall. However, hosting family and friends during a busy Homecoming weekend presents challenges, including available hotel space in the area, access to desired locations on campus, and finding the best plan for how to incorporate new events into the weekend.

It is our desire to provide the most meaningful ceremony possible, and we will attempt to create a plan to do so over Homecoming. However, if that is not possible, we will select an alternate date. We will share details with you no later than April 30.

We appreciate your continued understanding of the public health requirements that necessitate new plans and a different kind of experience.

While we can never replace all of the opportunities lost to you during your senior year, we intend to offer a variety of exciting events, including:

  • cap and gown photo opportunities;
  • tours of the tunnels under campus and the bell tower in Wait Chapel;
  • chances to reconnect with faculty and staff;
  • a ceremony that will offer individual recognition of each graduate that, pending public health guidance, will allow a limited number of guests to attend;
  • (if held during Homecoming) regular features of Homecoming, including the campus-wide celebration Party So Dear, the First-Time Back Party, and departmental receptions to reconnect with faculty and staff.

Our plans for the fall are based on the assumption that public health conditions will continue to improve and enable a more engaging celebration. We believe it is never too late to celebrate what you accomplished and the relationships you formed during your Wake Forest experience.

We look forward to welcoming you home in the fall.

Wake Forest University Commencement Office
