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This message was sent to the undergraduate Class of 2020 on April 30, 2021.

Dear Undergraduate Class of 2020,

We are excited to announce that Wake Forest plans to host an in-person Commencement celebration for you and your guests on the weekend of Sept. 17-19, 2021.

While exact details will be announced later as the University continues to adapt to changes in public health guidance, tentative plans include:

  • On Friday night, Sept. 17, a ceremony that will offer individual recognition of each graduate and will allow a limited number of guests to attend;
  • On Saturday, Sept. 18, for the football game against Florida State, a tailgate experience, block seating options and in-game recognition;
  • Other opportunities, such as tours of the tunnels under campus and the bell tower in Wait Chapel, as well as chances to reconnect with faculty and staff.

These plans are based on the assumption that public health conditions in September will allow for in-person activities and large gatherings. As details are finalized, we will announce a registration date and the anticipated number of guests allowed.

Although we had originally discussed this celebration taking place during Homecoming, the feedback from the Class of 2020 was that you wanted to be formally recognized as graduates before being welcomed back as alumni. The weekend of Sept. 17-19 gives us the best opportunity to do that.

We hope this will be a weekend to reconnect with friends, see former classmates, catch up with faculty and staff members and enjoy the Wake Forest community once again. Most importantly, we look forward to celebrating the Class of 2020 and all its accomplishments in true Wake Forest fashion.

Wake Forest University Commencement Office
