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This message was sent to students. To read the introduction sent to faculty and staff, see here.

Bottom Line Up Front:

  • Fall semester undergraduate classes are scheduled to start on August 23, with the assumption that improving public health conditions will enable a full offering of in-person classes on the Reynolda Campus.
  • Continuing student housing selection is slated to occur the week of June 14; our incoming first-year students should receive their housing assignments in late July.
  • Widespread vaccinations among faculty, staff, and students, and adherence to public health guidance are the means towards a thriving campus community.

Dear Wake Forest students,

Spring has officially arrived in Winston-Salem, and with the turning of the seasons comes excitement about the future. The vaccine has been readily available in our community, and the number of active cases of COVID-19 remains low. While we must continue to be mindful of the virus, we have ample reasons for optimism.

In that spirit, we write to share an update on planning for the Fall 2021 semester. We are hopeful that with the increasing availability of vaccines, research findings affirming the vaccines’ efficacy, and the continued success of public health practices, our community will experience more of the regular rhythms of a typical Wake Forest semester.


The undergraduate academic calendar is approved, with fall classes scheduled to begin on August 23 and with the assumption that improving public health conditions will enable a full offering of in-person classes on the Reynolda Campus. The following is a broad timeline for undergraduate student planning. Details will follow and may vary for graduate and professional schools:

  • April — undergraduate advising for continuing undergraduate students
  • Early June — course registration for continuing undergraduate students
  • June — advising for new students
  • July — registration for new students
  • July — classroom assignments
  • August 23 — undergraduate classes begin

Study Abroad/Away & Support for International Students

We remain hopeful that study abroad can resume this fall, and are actively planning for that eventuality. We continue to monitor country-specific COVID restrictions and public health conditions. Students on WFU-sponsored study abroad programs, and possibly affiliate programs, will be required to demonstrate proof of COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of participation. Updates will be communicated into the summer months, with early July as a likely time frame for any final decisions.

The Wake Washington program is expected to continue its on-site operations as has been the case for this current academic year.

We are working to support our international students, many of whom continue to face challenges related to travel and visa processing. Students experiencing challenges with immigration processing or who have questions should contact the ISSS team at The ISSS team will provide regular updates and support for international students over the summer.

Residence Life and Housing

We are actively planning for the fall semester and keeping a close eye on rapidly evolving public health guidelines. Delaying the housing selection process will allow for greater certainty in our approach to housing. Continuing student housing selection will likely occur the week of June 14; our incoming first-year students should receive their housing assignments in late July.

The planned renovation of Luter Residence Hall will occur this summer/fall, and additional housing opportunities at Deacon Station will be made available again this year to help meet student housing needs.


All students will be asked to provide information on their vaccination status to the University by July 1 to inform our planning for vaccination clinics and the safety of our community. Additional details will be forthcoming from the Student Health Service. We continue to encourage students to take advantage of vaccination opportunities. The vaccine and continued adherence to public health guidance are the means towards a thriving campus community.

We are grateful for your continued patience and support of one another as we navigate this pandemic, and we look forward to a dynamic fall semester. Expect updates specific to different aspects of our living and learning at Wake Forest as plans solidify. We will provide our next comprehensive update about expectations for the fall semester in early July.

Nathan O. Hatch

Rogan Kersh

Penny Rue
Vice President for Campus Life
