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Bottom Line, Up Front: Many University spaces will open again over the weekend or early next week. This will present students with opportunities to spend time in campus buildings as well as in our outdoor spaces. For the time being, our restrictions remain in place in our residential communities. We will continue to evaluate our situation with the goal of reverting to our former visitation policies as soon as it is safe to do so.


We hope this message finds you well, and enjoying the glimmers of sunshine today! At this point, you’ve likely seen the message from University leadership outlining our plans to begin lifting some restrictions across campus.

Our office wanted to make sure you were aware that there are currently no changes to our current restrictions related to our residential communities, including our guest policy.

We are optimistic that conditions will continue to improve. One strategy to help us get back to normal faster is to continue with the policies in place since February 5th.

CURRENT Guest Policy

As noted in the University update, “the only students allowed in a residence are the students who are assigned to that living space.”

It is important that we limit the possible transmission across our various communities during this period.

Bottom Line: “Do not invite visitors who don’t live with you into your residence hall room, suite or home.”

Stay Close to Home graphic

Mask At All Times (Even Indoors)

Please remember to wear a mask at all times, even when indoors unless you are in your assigned bedroom.

Bottom Line: Masks should be worn in shared living spaces such as community lounges, suite/apartment living rooms, community laundry rooms, etc.

Inside? Mask on at all times

We will continue to review our trends with public health officials and work with University leadership to move our communities back towards our original addendum guidelines as quickly as possible to allow for more guests in your living space. We will communicate future changes as they are finalized.

As we move forward, please continue to seek care immediately for any symptoms, report possible exposures, and comply with weekly testing.

If you have questions or concerns, we would first direct you to review the resources available on Our Way Forward. Feel free to contact our office at for any questions you may not be able to answer with our online resources.

Thank you as always for your attention and efforts to keep us all well and on campus. Like you, we are eager to resume normal operations as soon as it is safe to do so.

Best –

Matt Clifford, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice President of Campus Life
and Dean of Residence Life and Housing
