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NOTE: This information was shared in Feb. 8 Daily Deac for parents.

In order to make room at the hotels to isolate students with a positive test result, we have made the following quarantine changes:

Location of quarantine

For students who had been at the hotels for quarantine and were on days 7-10 of quarantine without developing symptoms, we have moved them back to campus to Quarantine In Place (QIP). This does not mean they are FINISHED with quarantine yet (see below). 

Length of quarantine

While the CDC has offered options for a shortened duration of quarantine, they continue to endorse a full 14-day quarantine to reduce the risk of transmission of infection. In addition, the University is using this 14-day approach as one of the measures to break the chain of COVID transmission. 

  • For example: Lucy went into quarantine on Jan. 31 and was released from the hotel on Feb. 7, which is day 7 of her quarantine. Lucy will now quarantine-in-place in her residence hall/apartment/home through Feb. 14, with quarantine ending on Feb. 15 (unless she develops symptoms or has a new exposure).

What do students quarantining in place have to do?

From the date of their hotel release (if they had been at the hotel) or for any students newly told they have to quarantine, they are expected to do the following through day 14 of their quarantine in place:

  • Quarantine in their designated private bedroom, only leaving to utilize shared restrooms (where applicable), meet with medical or health care providers, or to exit the building for emergency evacuation. 
    • When leaving their bedroom to access a bathroom or other common area, students should wash their hands for 20 seconds with warm water or use hand sanitizer and wear a mask that fits securely over their nose, mouth, and chin. 
  • Not leave their room to get food from University dining or attend any other face-to-face activities. (NOTE: students who live on campus will get a message with a Meal Delivery Form so food can be delivered to their residence hall; because they are in quarantine, they may not leave their residence to get grab-n-go food. Students who live off campus (and don’t have access to on-campus food delivery) can use grocery or food delivery as long as they are masked and it is contact-free).
  • Not attend classes in person.

Students quarantining in place must also:

  • Wear a face mask at all times while in the presence of others (including housemates/suitemates/roommates).
  • Continue to monitor for symptoms and report even mild symptoms to the Student Health Service at 336.758.5218.
  • Complete their SneezeSafe daily wellness survey. 

Note that it does take time for students to report their positive result and be sent to the hotel for isolation (they need to be able to gather their things, etc.) So there may be a short period where there is a positive student on the hall/in the suite. All students should be masked and maintaining 6’ of distance from each other in the residence halls, and the positive students should isolate to their room to gather their belongings and only emerge to use the restroom until they transfer to the hotel. Everyone should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds.

Asymptomatic testing

We have moved to testing all undergraduate students weekly at the testing center. The only exceptions are:

  • Any students who are in quarantine at the hotels. The Student Health Service will arrange for testing at the hotels for any student that remains in quarantine.
  • Students with symptoms. They should notify the Student Health Service ( or call 336.758.5218) that they have symptoms, and we will arrange for testing at the Student Health Service clinic. Those students should follow recommendations to isolate.
  • Students who tested positive in the previous 90 days are exempted from the testing program (they should not be in quarantine).
  • Student-athletes who are tested as part of their sport.
