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Welcome back home, Demon Deacons!

We are excited to welcome you back to campus as we get the spring semester under way!

Our carefully developed plan for the fall semester was met with great success as we finished the semester exactly where we started on the hallowed grounds of Mother So Dear. Our primary guiding principle during the fall was an unbending adherence to public health measures. Protecting the safety of our faculty, staff, and student community was and remains critical in our plan. I know the many changes you faced in the fall brought challenges and some personal sacrifices. Now that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel with vaccine distribution, our collective commitment to prevention efforts are more important than ever.

Please be sure you have read the details and logistics of move-in. Additionally, please note our spring timelines:

  • Students who are new to campus for the spring semester (i.e., did not live on campus in the fall) have been asked to schedule their move-in on Saturday, January 23.
  • These students have been asked to schedule a move-in appointment if arriving on January 23. If arriving after, January 23 please send your anticpated arrival date to
  • Students who lived on campus in the fall and are returning to campus for the spring semester may access campus and their housing beginning at 9 a.m. on Sunday, January 24.
  • These students are asked to report an intended return date on our Housing Portal at We understand that travel plans may change, so we ask that you update your return date as needed.

Pre-Arrival Expectations

As noted in messages from Vice President Rue, the University will be repeating some of the key strategies that helped us start our fall semester successfully. These actions underscore the University’s focus on and commitment to early detection and response. There are four key requirements to prepare for your arrival:

  • Complete the pre-arrival testing process
  • Self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms for 14 days prior to accessing campus or other Wake Forest facilities
  • Resume using the SneezSafe tool for daily symptom screening for 14 days prior to accessing campus or other Wake Forest facilities
  • Provide flu vaccination documentation in the Student Health Portal or receive an exemption

Residential Environments

As we move into the spring semester, our residence halls will continue to look different. As we’ve announced previously, we have worked closely with our public health experts to create a plan to reduce the number of people living in our residence halls and participating in activities on campus at any one time.

In addition to reducing density at individual student rooms, shared spaces will also be impacted. Most of our signature common spaces will remain open, although many study spaces, lounges, and kitchens will remain closed to begin the semester.

We will again start the semester with all student organization lounges and patios closed, with the exception of lounges that have specific equipment needs such as Campus Kitchen. Additionally, informal and spontaneous gatherings on student organization patios are not permitted. We remain hopeful that we can expand student access to these areas as the semester progresses but will only do so if public health conditions permit.


Our policies have also had to adapt to COVID-19, you can review the COVID-19 Addendum to the Guide to Community Living here and the Public Health Emergency Addendum to the Undergraduate Student Code of Conduct here. As you prepare to return to campus, please take a moment to watch this brief video which highlights some key policies.

Guide to Community Living Update Reminders - Spring 2021

You will only have access with your Deacon OneCard to your residence hall, suite, or apartment, as applicable. You will still be allowed to have guests in your room but those will be limited to residential students. Additional restrictions include only one guest per person and no more than ten in a living space, provided everyone can maintain physical distance. As everywhere, you and your guest should wear cloth face coverings when you are inside the residence halls. Finally, no overnight guests will be permitted. Non-student visitors will be restricted and not allowed in the residence halls.

Please know, our team continues to work tirelessly to keep you safe and retain the essence of Wake Forest. Remember to wear a cloth face covering, wash your hands, and keep social distancing. These little things have shown to be crucial in keeping our community safe! We now know what it takes to care for one another and create a uniquely Wake Forest way forward. It is imperative that we continue to Show Humanitate as we enter the spring semester.


Matt Clifford, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice President of Campus Life
and Dean of Residence Life and Housing
