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Your Corona Chronicle

Thursday, October 15, 2020
Keeping common sense highly contagious

Dashboard Update: We have 18 total known, confirmed positive cases in the last two weeks.

Keep your eyes on the prize

And the prize is staying healthy and here. Today, North Carolina reported 2,532 new cases of COVID-19 — the highest single-day total since the pandemic began. Don’t freak out; just double down on the behavior that’s kept us going this far.

A truckload of food and fall fun

This weekend, celebrate making it past halfway through the on-campus semester with dinner and a movie… outdoors. We’ll be showing Hocus Pocus, we’ll have some of Winston-Salem’s finest food trucks on campus, and we’ll have a few surprises. It won’t be half as much fun without you. For more info, head here.

March to the polls

Put on your favorite mask and join students as they march to the polls (at Winston-Salem First Assembly Church) each day of early voting — October 15-31. To learn more, visit Deacs Decide.

Insider information

As it gets colder, we know you’ll need to find new favorite spots for studying indoors. Wake Study Space can help you find these places and features all the info and guidelines, including how to reserve, what needs to be reserved, what’s open, etc. Find your new space today.

Stop, drop and roll with a mask

Corona loves a crowd and doesn’t care about technicalities. So, when a fire alarm rings, try to grab your mask before you head out. When outside, please stay six feet apart until everyone gets the okay to return. For more info, click here.

And always remember… there is no way to socially distance with 10 people in any dorm room.

Have a question? Visit Our Way Forward, send us a question via this form or call our Call Center at 336-758-7500, Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST.
