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Keeping common sense highly contagious

Dashboard Update: We have 73 total known, confirmed positive cases in the last two weeks.

What number sends us home

It’s complicated. But the short answer is that there isn’t one. Our operating status is based on many factors beyond just the number of positive tests on campus. Before you buy into any rumors about a magic number that ends the semester (it’s not 380), listen to Dr. Chris Ohl, an infectious disease expert at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

This number counts

Speaking of numbers, here’s one we should be really proud of. In the first two weeks of random testing, we have seen a positivity rate of less than one percent. Credit goes to you for wearing masks (even when it is hot and sweaty!). We will be adding a new graphic of random testing results to our dashboard shortly, so check back soon.

Thanks for answering the call

Been called by a contact tracer? Thanks for answering the call and following their guidance. Our tracers are working hard to keep us in Yellow and keep us here. So help them help you (and all of us) do what we need to do to outlast this virus. If we want to make it to Thanksgiving on campus, cooperating with contact tracers is critical.

None of this is easy

And it wears on each of us in different ways. But help is closer than you think. The Office of Wellbeing has 30-minute drop-in sessions available to talk through self-care, sleep, stress management, establishing routines in the uncertainty and many other topics. Sign up for a virtual session today.

You scream, we scream…

…we all scream for, um… GELATO. Sure, it doesn’t rhyme, but the most sophisticated of all the frozen treats tastes really, really good. And it’s lemony yellow! (Like our operating status!) This weekend, we’ll be handing out free gelato from Winston-Salem’s own Café Gelato.

And always remember… Nobody hires the genius whose feed is full of pandemic-era keg stands.

Have a question? Visit Our Way Forward, send us a question via this form or call our Call Center at 336.758.7500, Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST.
