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On Tuesday, Sept. 1, Governor Roy Cooper issued an executive order moving the state of North Carolina’s COVID-19 response from Phase 2 to Phase 2.5, effective Friday, Sept. 4, at 5 p.m. This shift loosens some state restrictions on gathering size limits and allows for limited opening of gyms and exercise facilities.

After conferring with health officials and taking into consideration our congregate campus environment, Wake Forest is adapting to the Phase 2.5 allowances in the following ways: 

  • We will maintain the current limitations on gathering sizes (a maximum of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors with appropriate social distancing) for student and faculty/staff gatherings and events. This also applies to gatherings of students off-campus. The residence hall guest policy as outlined by the Office of Residence Life and Housing also remains unchanged. The University will consult with public health officials and consider results from the first few weeks of our random testing program before potentially increasing our gathering limits to the new state levels.We will communicate any changes with you as we adapt to the evolving circumstances on our campus and in our region. WFU affiliated entities, like Reynolda House Museum of American Art and Graylyn, may re-open or expand their services within the state guidelines.

    As a reminder, student organizations that have completed COVID-19 training requirements may begin live on-campus events and activities on September 7.

  • Beginning Tuesday, Sept 8, we will gradually open our wellbeing center and gym facilities for lower-risk activities, consistent with what is permitted under the executive order. Operating hours and available services will be updated at Outdoor recreational activities remain available.

As of right now, Wake Forest remains in the yellow operating status. We can remain in yellow because of our continued diligence in wearing masks, remaining six feet apart, washing hands and refraining from large social gatherings. Together, we can do this.

— Office of Communications and External Relations
