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Good Evening –

We hope this message finds you well! We are looking forward to welcoming you to campus in just a couple of weeks (August 17-20).

Many thanks for your patience as we pull these details together after our housing selection process. We will provide logistical details before your arrival, but today we wanted to set the stage about what to expect during your move-in experience.

First, please note that this will be an unassisted move-in process. Unlike past years, staff and student helpers will not be available to assist with carrying in your belongings or moving/rearranging furniture within your room. This is because we must limit the number of people who are in the building at one time and to maintain social distance.

Additionally, we cannot provide common-use tools that multiple people touch — such as hand trucks, carts, etc. So please be prepared to bring anything you need to assist with your move in (hand trucks, wagons, carts, gloves, etc.)

Move-in should be completed during your scheduled appointment time. In order to limit density within the buildings, students and their move-in helpers will need to complete their active move-in during their scheduled appointment time. This includes moving in all items brought with you from home.

We recognize that individuals will need to make trips to the grocery store or other stores for supplies; you will be able to come on campus after your appointment time to bring those supplies. After your move-in window, we ask that students and families on campus are either outdoors or in their student’s room. For our families in double rooms, please note that only one family should be present at a time.

We strongly encourage students to bring only what they need. We want students to make their room feel like home, making it as personal and comfortable as possible. That said, students should carefully consider what is truly necessary for their rooms. Custodial staff do not clean students’ rooms; students are responsible for keeping their rooms clean. The less clutter in your room, the easier it will be to clean. In addition, in the event that campus would have to close because of COVID-19, it will be easier for students if they do not have an excessive amount of items to pack up and take home.

As a reminder, we discourage the use of dense foam or gel mattress toppers, as moisture can get trapped between them and our waterproof mattresses. The trapped moisture can cause issues such as musty smells and mildew on the bedding. That is the reason they are on our “do not bring” list. The best mattress pad to use with our waterproof mattresses is any kind that can be washed and dried in a washing machine; they are usually white and quilted.

If at all possible, try to bring items with you rather than mail them to your campus PO Box. As you prepare to come to campus, we ask that you minimize the number of items shipped to campus to avoid crowding and long lines in our mailroom. The Post Office in the Benson Center will have capacity limits that may increase the time it may take to connect you with your package(s).

As a reminder, approved students (and their up to two helpers) are expected to abide by the following expectations:

  • Complete an online health questionnaire 48 hours before arrival.
  • Submit an acknowledgment to document understanding of and willingness to comply with expectations.
  • All individuals will be expected to provide and wear their own cloth face coverings at all times while they are on campus.
  • Maintain social distancing (6 feet from other people) at all times while on campus.
  • Students will be allowed to have no more than 2 individuals accompany them onto campus and help with their move-in. Students must be able to answer health screening questions or their helpers.
  • Students are expected to abide by all local, state, and/or federal restrictions, including stay-at-home orders, in travel to and during their time in Winston-Salem.

Additionally, individuals will be advised that they should not return to campus if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • Been directed to quarantine or isolate by a medical provider or public health provider within the last 14 days.
  • Are currently experiencing or have experienced within the last 14 days symptoms of possible COVID-19. Symptoms can include but are not limited to: cough, shortness of breath with or without fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, sore throat, diarrhea and sudden loss of taste or smell.
  • Been exposed through direct contact to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case within the last 14 days. For guidance on exposure and response, please review this CDC guidance.
  • Any international travel or cruise ship travel (CDC travel guidance) within the last 14 days.

For more information on move-in, please visit For the latest on the Fall 2020 semester, please visit

If you have questions, please visit our website at for FAQs. If you’re unable to find your answer or need other assistance, please contact us at or 336-758-5185.

We look forward to welcoming you home soon!

Zach Blackmon, Ph.D., MBA
Associate Director of Operations
