Junior housing selection update
The following message was sent July 24 to juniors on behalf of Residence Life and Housing.
Good afternoon, juniors –
We are writing to you with an update on the housing selection process. As you may have seen from the Housing Availability google sheet, we are nearing capacity for juniors to select from junior-led roommate groups this afternoon. Please do not be anxious about this. We had a large number of students pull up other classifications of students, so spaces were filled quicker than expected today.
As a reminder, any rooms open for senior group leaders are available for junior group leaders to choose once your selection time arrives.
Please note that while overall there will be roughly 65% of students in singles and 35% in doubles, there will be students who will live in doubles. Additionally, most of our continuing student housing remained at its original capacity.
Many of the spaces that are open at this time include doubles. We worked with our public health partners on campus, and using state and federal public health guidelines, to map out how best to house our students to minimize the number of people who share a common bathroom fixture (such as a shower, toilet, or sink) and have configured doubles and singles accordingly. So please know that students can choose among senior rooms, including doubles, this afternoon if they wish.
If you do not choose a room today, juniors will be able to begin selecting rooms on Monday morning at 10 am, before our sophomore selection begins.
Our Housing Availability google sheet updates every 15 minutes, and we are actively working to ensure that the maximum number of spaces are available for your planning. As always, we encourage you to be flexible in your options of buildings, as well as being flexible in terms of your roommate group (be open to making the group larger or smaller depending on available spaces – with the input of all group members, of course).
Juniors are also welcome to submit a petition to be released from the University’s residency requirement. Those will be quickly reviewed in the order they are received. Students should plan to participate in selection until they receive written approval of their petition and should not sign leases/agreements elsewhere without said written approval.
If you have questions about your specific roommate situation, please feel free to email us at housing@wfu.edu. Please note that we are receiving an extraordinary volume of calls and messages; we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your patience as we work through the housing selection process.
Zach Blackmon, Ph.D., MBA
Associate Director of Operations