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The following information has been provided by the Student Health Service

Wake Forest University continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and to implement the guidance of the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  Recently, it has been shown that Coronavirus may be spread from infected individuals who are either asymptomatic (show no signs of illness) and pre-symptomatic (persons who have not yet developed symptoms).  Since these individuals are unaware they are infected, they will not be in self-quarantine and may transmit the virus to others during the course of their daily routine.

To help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, CDC has now recommended the use of cloth face coverings in public settings when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Cloth masks can be made from household items. Instructions on how to make a mask are found in this video, released by the CDC: How to Make Your Own Face Covering. Wake Forest researchers cited in a New York Times article note that some materials are better for masks than others.

It is vital for everyone to continue the 6-foot social distance whenever possible, even when wearing a cloth mask.  Additional recommendations on making and using a cloth covering can be found below or by using this link: Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19. Remaining in one’s residence is still the best way to prevent transmission.

The following information applies only to those who are deemed as essential employees: For essential employees who have been given Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as part of their job, they are asked to wear that PPE, as directed, while at work at Wake Forest.  The CDC-recommended cloth mask would only be worn when WFU-issued PPE is not required.

The links that follow are from the CDC and show various methods for making cloth face masks (including a sew method, quick cut t-shirt method, and a no-sew bandana method). We hope this information helps you stay safe and healthy.


Communications and External Relations
