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The following message was sent from Residence Life & Housing to students living on campus during COVID-19 on March 20

To our students staying on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Thank you for your extraordinary patience and flexibility with campus operations this week. COVID-19 is a challenging situation because conditions are changing rapidly. When conditions change, we adapt to them based on public health guidance. We have such a change we need to announce today.

Due to concerns about community spread of the virus within NC, we have received a recommendation from public health officials to limit the occupancy of each residence hall room to one student. As a result, we need to reassign you to a new room on campus.

Effective tomorrow, March 21, 2020, you will be asked to move into {BLDG, ROOM}. As you prepare for this transition please note the following:

  • Beginning at 8:30 a.m. we will drop boxes and labels off in your current room
  • Between 8:30 a.m. and noon we ask that you focus your energy on packing
  • Beginning at noon we will return to pick up your items and move them to your new space

Please write the following on each label:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your new room number
  • Box number (e.g., 1 of 3)

You should place one label on each box as well as one label on each item that does not fit in the provided boxes (e.g., trash can, television, chair). Anything without a label will be left in your old room and could be discarded.

Please note that the moving process can take some time, so please plan to personally move any essential items you need during the day.

Beginning at noon on Saturday, March 21, 2020, you may pick up your new key and return your old key at the Office of Residence Life and Housing in Angelou Hall. You must pick up your new key no later than 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 21, 2020.

While ordinarily friends and hallmates would help each other move, we encourage you not to have other people handle your personal items. As a reminder, social distancing remains an important tool in fighting COVID-19.

We understand that moving rooms is probably not what you want to do, and we regret any inconvenience this may cause. Please know that this request is being made in an effort to protect the health of all who are on campus.

Thank you for your understanding, flexibility, and patience in light of these unprecedented public health concerns.
