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This message was sent to the UACP on March 30.

Dear University Area Community Partnership members,

I hope this message finds you all well and staying safe. Suffice it to say, the last few weeks have been tumultuous. I am writing to provide an update on how the University has responded and continues to communicate with our off-campus students.

I want to draw your attention to a central repository of information regarding the University’s response to this public health emergency – On the website, you can see communications that the University has distributed to various members of the Wake Forest community, as well as some helpful resources and frequently asked questions. We will continually update this website as new information becomes available. I hope you find it helpful. As we navigate this Stay at Home period, you may also find these FAQs from the Governor’s office regarding North Carolina’s order worth reading.

It’s important to note that on March 11, President Hatch asked all students to return to their permanent homes if possible. Following an extended Spring Break, on March 23, students began taking classes remotely. We know that some students made the decision to remain in their off-campus residences and we have continued to provide updates to them regarding University services and important updates from city and state governments (such as the recent “stay at home” orders). Some important notes included in those messages consist of the following:

  • Students were reminded about a variety of tips on prevention, including the importance of cleaning within their houses or apartments.
  • Students were discouraged from allowing displaced friends or family to live in their houses or apartments.
  • All off-campus WFU student events or socials are to be canceled, postponed or virtualized, regardless of the number of expected event attendees.
  • The recent “stay at home” directive means students who remain in Winston-Salem are required to stay in residence halls, off-campus apartments or houses and adhere to the directives of the order. Within these spaces, students may congregate in groups no larger than 10 people, maintaining six feet of distance between each person.

I understand that some members of the surrounding community have reported concerns of gatherings that may be in violation of these directives or which may present other concerns.

Please immediately report these matters, with specific details about the concern and the address of the incident, directly to the Winston-Salem Police Department. This follows our regular procedure for reporting any concerns. The University continues our close partnership with WSPD through increased patrols in the neighborhoods near campus from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily.

We have been in touch with the Winston-Salem Police Department to ensure that concerns involving Wake Forest students continue to be passed on to the University. Additionally, we ask that you please contact Anna Strejc at after you report specific incidents to WSPD so we can anticipate those police reports. The Office of Residence Life and Housing will follow up with the students who are registered to live at the address involved. Having reports documented by the WSPD is beneficial should we need to address violations of the University’s Code of Conduct, which remains in effect.

I appreciate your cooperation and partnership during these challenging times. While I believe that our off-campus student population has greatly diminished, our collective work should not be abated. Please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.


Matt Clifford, EdD
Assistant Vice President of Campus Life and Dean of Residence Life and Housing
