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This message was sent on March 20.

To parents and families of all undergraduate students remaining in on-campus housing during the COVID-19 pandemic,

I am writing today to share information with the parents and family members of students who did not return home and are remaining on campus during COVID-19. This is no doubt a very distressing time for you to be separated from your students, and I want to assure you that we are following the guidance of public health officials when making decisions about how we can provide for them in this unprecedented situation.

Included at the end of this email is a message that all students remaining in on-campus housing received earlier this week. This message details their responsibilities in regard to: not allowing guests on campus; practicing social distancing; hand washing and hygiene; reporting illness and the potential need for isolation; discouraging travel outside of Forsyth County and a requirement to report any travel; and procedures should they decide to leave on-campus housing. This message also details the support available to them on campus, including dining, academic and emotional support, and more. You can read the full message below.

Parents and families should know that COVID-19 is an evolving situation and our ability to support or maintain a residential population may also change. Currently, most on-campus resources are severely limited as a result of public health guidance and governmental directives. For example, with dining, the Fresh Food Company (The Pit), ZSR Library Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, and Subway are operating using grab-and-go service only; Subway will continue to offer Grubhub order-ahead pickup. In addition, many in-person services are suspended or operating by appointment only; the Wellbeing Center is now closed, and the ZSR Library is closing at the end of day today (Friday, March 20).

We want to be transparent with both our students and with you that this is a rapidly changing situation. While we continue to strive to provide a campus community that will be engaging and supportive for your students, operations on campus may continue to change based on guidance from public health officials and governmental directives. In the event that you or your students find that returning home (or to another location off campus) is better for them, please notify the Office of Residence Life and Housing at as soon as possible so we are aware of their plans and can work with them accordingly.

Know that the wellbeing and safety of your students is of paramount concern to us in this uncertain time. May you all stay safe and well.


Penny Rue
Vice President for Campus Life

Subject: COVID-19 Housing Information: Important for all students living on campus

This message was sent March 18.

Hello –

As promised we write today with further guidance related to the approval of your request to remain in on-campus housing. We want to first remind you that this is an evolving situation and as we review updated public health guidance, our ability to support or maintain a residential population may also change.

During this period of uncertainty, it is the expectation of Wake Forest University that all members of the community will act with the best interests of the community and of public health. There are several new responsibilities for every person approved to live on campus, outlined below, which may change as the public health response changes.

These are requirements which are considered formal requirements and are included as part of the 2019-2020 Undergraduate Student Code of Conduct . Allegations of violations will be adjudicated through the Office of the Dean of Students and may result in immediate removal from University Housing, Interim Action (Suspension), and/or Suspension or Expulsion from the University.

Additionally, please note that all Residence Life and Housing policies as outlined in the Guide to Community Living remain in effect, unless modified by the information explained below. Failure to comply with these policies may similarly result in immediate removal from University housing, Interim Action (Suspension), and/or Suspension or Expulsion from the University.

Please read this information thoroughly as you will be asked to acknowledge your review and understanding of this information, as well as indicate your willingness to abide by the requirements and responsibilities.

If you believe you cannot meet or comply with these requirements and responsibilities, contact the Office Residence Life and Housing at 336.758.5185 to discuss your departure from campus housing. You may also contact us with any questions regarding this information.

Guests : Visitors and guests to the residence halls are prohibited. No student living in on-campus housing may invite another person who has not been approved to reside on-campus to their room, common area, or onto campus for any period of time. Students living in off-campus housing are strongly discouraged from having guests for the safety of themselves and the greater community. Events, parties, functions, or other gatherings are prohibited unless coordinated by RL&H. Depending upon the situation and decisions in the interests of public health, non-approved students may be turned away from the front gates of the University. When gates are closed, students living on campus must follow normal processes to allow entry for ride share drivers, food delivery, and similar.

Social Distancing: All students are required to comply with the public health guidelines, as provided by the Wake Forest University Student Health Service, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Please consult the Health section of Wake Forest’s FAQ on coronavirus  for information on social distancing.

Hand Washing and Hygiene Practices: All students are required to comply with public health guidelines related to hygiene-related best practices – including hand washing. Wake Forest University will continue, for as long as is possible, to provide soap and paper towels for residential students. If there are low supplies or concerns about soap and paper towels, students should contact Residence Life and Housing. Cleaning of common areas, bathrooms, and hallways may be reduced during this period. Students living on campus who create unhygienic situations, who are non-compliant with public health guidelines, or choose not to clean for themselves will be contacted by the Office of Residence Life and Housing or the Office of the Dean of Students and may be removed from on-campus housing.
Please follow the following tips from the CDC on how to protect yourself from COVID-19:

  • Clean your hands oftenWash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Put distance (recommended 6’ or more) between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.

Illness: If a student believes they are ill, they are required to contact Wake Forest’s Student Health Service immediately by telephone at 336.758.5218. Students who are ill should not go to the Student Health Service without first calling. Any student experiencing a medical emergency (i.e. difficulty breathing) should contact University Police at 336.758.5911. Students should be aware that Wake Forest EMS services are not operational during this period.
Additionally, as we may end up needing to isolate or quarantine students on campus, we want to make sure you understand how COVID-19 spreads:

  • There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  • The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
  • The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
  • Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
  • These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

Isolation: Students may at some point be exposed to COVID-19 through travel, through direct contact with an individual diagnosed or suspected to have COVID-19, or through community spread of the virus. If this occurs, the student must comply with all public health recommendations for controlling the spread to others such as isolation or quarantine . Space may be available on campus that would be appropriate for these measures for students who have been approved to remain on campus during this time. However, students may have to find housing elsewhere off-campus based upon medical, public health, and housing factors.

In Community Staff (i.e. Resident Advisors and Community Directors): Many Resident Advisors, as students, have returned to their homes and may not be present on your floor, wing, or building. Live-in professional staff, including Community Directors, are on campus and will be available on a rotating schedule. You can review your live-in staff, including email and phone contact information, at . If you need assistance during business hours, you can contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at or 336.758.5185. After hours, students can contact University Police at 336.758.5591 to be connected with on-call staff.

Travel: Non-essential travel off-campus is discouraged. Any person currently living on campus who travels outside of Forsyth County is required, on each occasion, to comply with the University’s travel, reporting, and isolation protocols. The latest requirements will be listed at Residents who travel to an area which subsequently requires a self-isolation period must complete their isolation period off-campus . There are resources available for those students who cannot come to campus due to isolation requirements.

Departure: During this pandemic episode, students are encouraged to stay in regular communication with their families; should students decide to leave on-campus housing and move elsewhere, they must notify the Office of Residence Life and Housing at If you choose to leave campus housing, you will not be able to return until the University resumes normal operations or until the University grants permission otherwise. Public transportation should be avoided, and the Office of Residence Life and Housing can provide resources for travel planning as needed.


Most on-campus resources will be severely limited during this period. Many in-person services are suspended or operating by appointment only.


Please be aware of the following changes to Deacon Dining services:

  • The Fresh Food Company (The Pit), ZSR Library Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, and Subway are operating using grab-and-go service only. Additionally, ZSR Starbucks and Subway will continue to offer Grubhub order-ahead pickup.
  • For questions related to Dining, please leave a message at 336-758-5607. Someone will return your call as soon as possible.
  • See up-to-date hours of operations at

As you plan for your grocery needs, you might consider pick-up options (such as Walmart Grocery, Lowes To-Go, Harris Teeter ExpressLane, etc.). For restaurants, you may have seen that North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has ordered all restaurants to provide carry-out or delivery services only. There are also options such as DoorDash, GrubHub, and TakeOutCentral. Off-campus delivery services will be allowed on campus to deliver food (either groceries and restaurant deliveries).

Campus Facilities
As the University continues to follow public health guidance and navigate reduced staffing on-campus, the hours of operation at different campus facilities may be reduced and/or eliminated. For the most up-to-date information for the campus, please visit .

Academic Support
Services such as the Office of Academic Advising, Learning Assistance Center, Writing Center, and similar support services will have limited availability and may be online or phone only. During business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm), call before going to an office. Voicemails and emails for offices will be monitored. If calling, be sure to leave complete callback information.

Emotional Support and Stress Management
If you are experience undue stress, need to talk, or need some support for your current experience, there are several options for you:

  • CARE Team: Wake Forest’s CARE Team is still operational and supporting Wake Forest community members. You can email
  • Case Manager staff will be available to meet with students 2:00 – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday at the Residence Life and Housing office for non-medical advice, consultation, and problem solving assistance.
  • In-Hall Staff: There are in-hall residential staff, both student and professional, supporting students living on campus. Visit to find your Community Director.
  • SAFE Office: The Safe Office remains available for students seeking support for interpersonal violence experiences. For the time being, care will be delivered via telehealth for current clients. Winston-Salem area students may be seen in person. Any student needing assistance should contact the Safe Office by phone at 336.758.5285.
  • University Counseling Center: The University Counseling Center remains available for students seeking support for mental health concerns. For the time being, care will be delivered via telehealth for current clients. Winston-Salem area students may be seen in person. Any student needing assistance, or those who are experiencing a mental health crisis should contact the UCC by phone at 336.758.5273 for further instruction.
  • Title IX Office: Students may contact the Title IX Office by calling Tonya Deem, Interim Director, at 336-758-7258,, or Jessica Telligman, Assistant Director, 336-758-4997,

Financial Assistance
If you are on-campus and are experiencing financial concerns due to this situation, please contact Ann Madigan at 336.758.4247 or to discuss your situation.

Information Systems
If you experience problems with on-campus internet connections, problems with software, or your electronic device, you should e-mail with specific information about your problem. If you cannot use email, call 336.758.4357 to leave a voicemail; be sure to leave complete callback information.

Student Health Service
During this period, the Wake Forest University Student Health Service clinic will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Online scheduling will not be available; all students needing to be evaluated for illness or injury should call 336-758-5218 to schedule an appointment. Students who are ill should not go to the Student Health Service without first calling. After hours, students may call the same number to consult with a nurse. Finally, students should be aware that Wake Forest EMS services are not operational during this period.

To acknowledge your review and understanding of this information, as well as your willingness to abide by the requirements and responsibilities, please visit and accept the COVID-19 Housing Information. This must be completed by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2020, in order to remain in on-campus housing. 

We appreciate your understanding of the important role all of our on-campus residents have in contributing to the safety and well-being of members of our campus community. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or 336.758.5185. If at any time you have an emergency, please call University Police at 336.758.5911.


Matt Clifford, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice President, Campus Life and Dean, Residence Life and Housing

Adam Goldstein, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President, Campus Life and Dean of Students
