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Hello –

It’s safe to say that we are all processing a myriad of emotions. While it has been a bit of a whirlwind and disorienting for us as staff, we have worked almost around the clock to ensure that we are doing everything possible towards readiness to maintain operational excellence as things continue to fluctuate daily. Throughout the process, we have not lost sight of the ways in which this has also been an overwhelming experience for you all to have so many of your daily routines and plans altered as well. Below is some information regarding:

  • Social Distancing
  • Stay-at-Home
  • Guests
  • Additional Requirements
  • Dining Options
  • Safety and Security

Click here to read this email translated to Chinese.

Social Distancing

Social distancing is a term applied to certain actions that are taken by Public Health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease. We are desperately trying to comply with government efforts to slow down the rate of COVID-19 transmission. Many of us are making sacrifices now not just for our own health and safety but for those here at Wake and beyond. So, we want to be clear that social distancing is physical distancing. The library is closed. Our staff is working remotely and Graduate Hall Directors and Resident Advisors are helping to build virtual community connections.

In community that looks like:

  • Limiting visits and hanging out in rooms or common areas (parlors and kitchens) together for extended periods of time.
  • Checking in with your RA or Community Director virtually and reserving in-person interactions for emergencies only.
  • Maintaining 6 feet or more distance when engaging in in-person interactions.
  • Grabbing meals from the Pit via to-go option only.
  • Being mindful of interactions when you go off-campus, being careful to use hand sanitizer and washing your hands thoroughly upon returning to your room.


Beginning Friday, March 27 at 5 p.m. we will shift from social distancing to being under the City of Winston-Salem’s “stay at home” order and affirmed by the University in this communication from March 25. Additionally, beginning Monday, March 30 at 5 p.m. the State of North Carolina will be under a statewide “stay at home” order.

Within your space, please keep the following in mind:

  • As shared by the University, the stay at home directive means students who remain in Winston-Salem are required to stay in residence halls, off-campus apartments or houses and adhere to the directives of the order.
  • Within these spaces, students may congregate in groups no larger than 10 people, maintaining six feet of distance between each person.
  • Wake Forest has already implemented a no-visitor requirement in residence halls, and students residing off-campus are not permitted to visit the residence halls.
  • We encourage you to find creative ways to stay connected.

You may leave your residence:

  • For walks or exercise, as long as you maintain social distancing (six feet between individuals). A little fresh air and time outside can work wonders for you mentally and physically.
  • For medical supplies and appointments (please reschedule all routine, non-essential appointments).
  • To go to the store for food and supplies.
  • To walk to on-campus dining options. These locations will provide to-go service only.
  • This means no road trips or other travel not related to the above. The reason for this is your health and safety, as well as that of the community as a whole. Reducing travel slows community spread, thereby conserving critical medical resources.


No one may host or permit any guests on campus. If you are found to have a guest on campus, you are subject to immediate removal from the residence halls and campus for the overall protection of the community. You will be responsible for finding your own housing. Guests, whether they are Wake Forest students or not, are not allowed for short-term or overnight visits. This is a safety issue for the entire campus population, and violations witnessed by staff, by video, or by report of others will be quickly resolved.

Additional Requirements

In a letter to you on March 18, several new requirements were outlined. These are requirements which are considered formal requirements and are included as part of the 2019-2020 Undergraduate Student Code of Conduct. Allegations of violations will be adjudicated through the Office of the Dean of Students and may result in immediate removal from University Housing and academic classes and/or other sanctions by the University.

Dining Options

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold Deacon Dining is working diligently with the University to ensure safe, convenient ways for students to access food on campus. Deacon Dining has created several new options below, please review and fill out the appropriate form (if applicable) for the program you choose.

  • Option 1 – The Pit To-Go: The Pit will remain open for take-out only from 8:00-10:00 AM, 11:30-2:00 PM and 4:30-8:00 PM
  • Option 2 – The Pit Delivered: Deacon Dining will deliver meals to your residence hall up to three times per day (approximate times: 8:15 Breakfast, 12:15 Lunch and 5:15 Dinner).
  • We will text or call you when the meals are outside your residence hall.
  • This option allows you to choose one meal, up to all three.
  • If this is the right option for you, please fill out this form.
  • Option 3 – Three-Day Care Packages: The Hungry Harvest Box, choose one of the packages below for three days of assorted foods.
  • This service will begin on Saturday, March 28 and can be delivered to your residence hall, or you can pick it up at the Subway POD.
  • If this is the option for you, please fill out this form.
  • The Hungry Harvest Box is also available for food allergies, vegans and vegetarians. Please contact our Registered Dietitian at to arrange accommodations.
  • Harvest Table Grocery- Harvest Table is bringing groceries to you beginning Monday, March 30th!
  • Click here for the order form
  • Check off the products and quantity you would like
  • Do you have specific needs? Leave a note for the personal shopper
  • Once your grocery order is submitted you will receive a phone call from a Harvest Table representative to confirm your order, delivery/pickup time, and payment. All food dollar, deacon dollar and card payments will be taken over the phone. All cash orders must pick up at the Quad P.O.D.
  • All orders must be placed 24 hours in advance. Items subject to change based on availability.

Additional campus resources available to you during this time can be found here.

Safety and Security

Our residential communities are on restricted access. We are thankful to our RAs and Deacon Student Patrol for providing additional community rounds but community safety is your responsibility as well! As you already know, fewer people on campus can increase the temptation for crime. To help keep your room and our community safe, please take the necessary precautions:

  • Lock your door and lower and lock your windows when you leave out.
  • Ensure that the door locks behind you when you leave your room and your building. Do not prop doors.
  • Do not tamper with any building access equipment. This includes lock mechanisms or latches, card readers, audible alarms, door sensors, display monitors and security cameras. If you didn’t install it, please don’t uninstall it!
  • Do not leave personal belongings in common areas (including kitchens) or in plain sight (this includes dirty dishes!). If you leave personal items in the kitchen, the custodial team cannot clean the kitchen. The kitchens need to be cleaned daily!
  • Do not allow anyone to tailgate behind you and do not open the door for anyone. All students need to use their ID and/or key to enter residential spaces. If a student is locked out, we have lockout assistance available.
  • If you see something unusual or concerning in any way, say something. University Police is happy to address any concerns. University Police is available at 336-758-5911.

As always, both the Office of Residence Life and Housing and the Office of the Dean of Students remain available to provide care and support for you as you remain on campus. Please don’t hesitate to contact us! The Office of Residence Life and Housing can be reached at or 336-758-5185. The Office of the Dean of Students can be reached at

Best –

Matt Clifford, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice President,
Campus Life and Dean,
Residence Life and Housing

Adam Goldstein, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President,
Campus Life and Dean of Students
