The following message is sent on behalf of Executive Vice President Hof Milam:

Dear Wake Forest Staff,

Dr. Hatch wrote eloquently this afternoon about how we all are affected by constant news regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). I know that many of you are concerned about your personal wellbeing and that of your families, colleagues and Wake Forest students. Each of you are playing an important role in helping Wake Forest meet the many challenges imposed by responding to this unprecedented pandemic. I want to express my deep gratitude for your expertise and commitment in supporting the health and safety of our campus community.

We are actively working to safeguard the health of the institution by immediately exploring and enacting the following measures:

  1. Determining which functions must be performed on campus and establishing staggered schedules and workplace accommodations that promote appropriate social distancing.
  2. Guiding department leaders in supporting remote work plans, supported by resources available on the Human Resources Coronavirus webpage and the Information Systems IT Resources for Working and Teaching Remotely webpage.
  3. Planning with our leadership teams to help working parents who are faced with the possibility that schools may close and seeking suitable working arrangements to accommodate that urgent need.
  4. Exploring opportunities for individuals with workloads that have been lessened by students and guests not being on campus, to lend a hand in other areas.

We also recognize and applaud our valued colleagues employed by other companies who work diligently to help sanitize, safeguard and serve our campus spaces and food offerings will follow the policies developed by their organizations.

I am proud to work with an incredible team of professionals who are working around the clock to navigate this crisis, and who maintain our mission at the forefront of our planning efforts. And I thank you all for enabling Wake Forest to live up to its highest ideals.


Hof Milam
Executive Vice President
