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This message was sent by Zach Blackmon, Associate Director of Operations for Residence Life & Housing on March 6:

Good Morning –

We hope this message finds you well! We’re writing today with some updates to Residence Life and Housing processes related to the ongoing situation around COVID-19.

As previously noted, one of the challenges associated with the coronavirus situation is that things are changing very rapidly. As such, the University continues to monitor the situation and follow the recommendations in place from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of State. University health officials, Campus Life leaders, Global Programs and Studies officials, and others are meeting regularly to discuss coronavirus, review operational plans, and take proactive steps to minimize exposure and risk for our campus community. The latest information from the University can be found on the University’s COVID-19 website at

The University continues to carefully consider our study abroad programs in accordance with the latest updates from the CDC. One of the potential impacts of the COVID-19 situation could be an increase in the number of students remaining on the Reynolda Campus during the Fall 2020 semester, either by choice or out of necessity.

In order to allow additional time for planning, Residence Life and Housing will postpone 2020-2021 Housing Selection until the University can navigate to more certainty with regards to our study abroad programs. We recognize that this may cause anxiety, and we hope you understand this decision was not made without careful consideration. Your housing selection position will remain intact, although we will assign you a different date and time when those are finalized. Additionally, we will still plan for students with medical accommodations for those living in fraternity/sorority housing and Residential Engagement Communities.

We continue to monitor this situation closely and will communicate with you as the semester progresses so that you may plan accordingly. In the interim, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

As President Hatch reminded us all, “the uncertainty and the rapidly evolving situation may create a heightened level of stress. Please take advantage of the many resources available to faculty, staff and students to manage stress, anxiety and emotional wellbeing.”

Feel free to contact our office at or 336-758-5185 if you have any questions.

Best –

Zach Blackmon, Ph.D., MBA
